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It looks like this is your first comment here, so thank you!  Your comment is helping to make all the content here better because I am only creating half the content here.  You, and other readers like you, are adding your thoughts and opinions and making the content better than I could make it by myself.  So thank you!

If this is your first time visiting, you should know Beat the Nine to Five is about:

  • Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment
  • Quitting Your Current Job the Smart Way
  • Building a Consistent and Sustainable Business

If that sounds like something you’re interested in learning more about, sign-up below.

Want to be a Part of My Journey?

Join over 1,000 others in Quitter Nation who want to beat their 9 to 5 job and start their journey to entrepreneurship.

Here’s a few other areas you might want to check out:

The Quitters’ Checklist – This is my free ultimate guide to quitting your job and getting started as an entrepreneur.

Follow Me on Twitter – If you’re active on Twitter, let’s please connect there so we can interact there as well!


If you have any questions, or if there is any other way I can help you, please contact me!  And once again, thank you for your comment!  I really appreciate it!

Robert Farrington