Archives for May 2012

How To Get Hired Freelancing

As most of you know from my income stream reports, I do a lot of freelance work.  The funny thing is, I never intended to do any of the work that I currently do, I just sort of fell into it.  I actually tried to do some freelance work purposefully, and it didn't work out as I had planned.  So, from both my successful ventures, my failures, and the offers I currently get now, here is my advice on how to get hired freelancing.   Fill a Need I started my freelance writing business for two factors that lined up at almost exactly the right moment: I wanted to earn extra income A major player in the freelance writing business suddenly up and closed their doors As it turns out, since I'd been blogging for a long time, I could pick up … [Read more...]

My Home Appraisal Was Wrong – Now I Have To Appeal!

I've you been following along in my journey, I decided to convert my home into a rental property, and purchase another home we love more.  If you've been through the lending process before, you know it is extremely tedious.  You have to fill out long applications, get a bunch of paper work in order, and so on.  You can read my Ultimate Guide to Shopping For a Loan for more information, but in general, it is a lot of "hurry up, then wait". Well, last week, after a period of waiting, we got the appraisal back on the house we are looking to buy, and it ended up coming in a full $70,000 below our offer price, and well below fair market value to similar properties inside the same development.  SO IRRITATING!!!!!   My Appraiser Botched The … [Read more...]